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Friday, March 03, 2006

Part III-Methodology


This chapter contains the method used, sources of data, data gathering instruments, the sampling technique, procedure, and the statistical treatment for the study.

Method Used
This study used the descriptive method of research wherein it includes finding out the answers to what, who, when, where, and how questions. The descriptive method was preferred because it is type of research that describes attitudes, perception, characters, activities and situations that a firm encounters in the market (Shao, 2002). This will entail collection of data to answer the concerns involved in the study.

Sources of Data
Primary data were obtained through the use of an interview questionnaire which was personally administered by the researcher. The respondents of the study are the vendors of pirated optical media in Davao City.

Data Gathering Instruments
The researcher prepared an interview questionnaire.
The interview questionnaire consisted of four parts: Part I contain the profile of the vendors selling pirated optical media in terms of age, sex, educational attainment, ethnic affiliation and reasons for being in business. Part II contain the profile of the business in terms of years in business, nature of business, capitalization, location, employment size. Part III contain the marketing practices employed by the vendors in terms of product, price, place and promotion. And, Part IV contain the business performance of pirated optical media vendors in terms of average number of pirated music and movie optical media, sales, profit and annual rate of new entrant.
The survey questionnaires were subjected to test and re-test in order to check their reliability and validity, and was analyzed using the Cronbach Alpha Method. The reliability result is .7610 (Appendix B). This means that the questionnaires were reliable enough to further conduct the study.

Sampling Technique
Complete enumeration was used in this study. All the vendors of optical media products were respondents. There were five locations covered in the study, namely Victoria Plaza, NCCC, San Pedro street, Ilustre Street and Matina Centro sidewalks. Table 1. shows the distribution of respondents.
Table 1. Respondents Selling Pirated Optical Media
Location No. of vendors of Optical Media
Victoria Plaza sidewalk 11
NCCC sidewalk 13
San Pedro Street sidewalk 15
Ilustre Street sidewalk 8
Matina Centro sidewalk 3
Total Respondents 60

Procedure of the Study
To properly conduct the study, the following steps were taken by the researcher
The researcher started his study with the preparation of the interview questionnaire.
The researcher conducted preliminary data on the existing vendors of pirated optical media in Davao City. A Muslim was hired to assist the researcher in administering the interview to the respondents. This was done to get the confidence and cooperation of the vendors whose ethnic group was predominantly Muslim.
The interview questionnaires in the actual survey do not use the word pirated on optical media to be able not to jeopardize the study and to get the cooperation of both respondents. The word pirated might offend the respondent and they might not be cooperative with the survey.
Interview questionnaires were pre-tested using pre and post test techniques to determine the reliability of the study.
After having the reliability results, the researcher conducted personal interviews using the prepared interview guides for vendors of pirated optical media.
Responses are recorded and tabulated.
Researcher interpreted and analyzed the data.
Development of summary, conclusions, and recommendations was made after the data were analyzed and interpreted.

Statistical Treatment
The data on the business performance of pirated optical media products among the vendors in Davao City will be analyzed using the descriptive statistics such as frequency count, average, and percentage.


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